Bring the neurodiversity conversation to your school
Neurodiversity involves all your students - not just those with diagnoses or perceived behavioral issues, and not just those who have IEPs or are in special education. It's everyone. Similarly, when we see one student struggle because of adverse school conditions, it's likely that other students are affected too - they just aren't showing it. In that way, improving the environment for one often improves the environment for all. Learn about how you can connect with students and offer them the safety and belonging they need in order to thrive.
Your neurodiversity training can be adapted for your specific school and can include educators and/or parents. All trainings include the following core concepts:
Neurodiversity means that everyone experiences the world differently
Differently does not mean better or worse - just different
Neurodiversity applies to every single person
A student's struggles result not from their traits, but from the ways the environment, expectations, and norms are misaligned for them
Students can thrive in school when they experience connection, safety, and belonging
By learning about every student's unique way of experiencing the world, we can support their unique needs and thereby create a ripe environment for learning
Coaching & Consulting:
Equip your
educators with
ongoing resources
Keep the neurodiversity conversation going with sustained coaching and consulting. Let's work together to make your school a place where parents, educators, and students can feel like they are seen, heard, and understood. And then watch that shared sense of safety translate into curiosity, discovery, and learning.
Consulting services can include:
Assessing areas for improvement in existing practices, policies, and procedures
Developing modified and/or new neuro-affirming practices, policies, and procedures
Evaluating environmental conditions impacting educator and student experiences
Coaching educators on how neurodiversity can hold the key to their students' success
Providing ongoing neurodiversity-related professional development
Advising on instructional and curricular content and implementation
Engaging with intervention teams to develop neuro-affirming support plans
Supporting individual students to learn about their unique ways of experiencing the world
Serving as a liaison between educators and parents to build trust and understanding
Educating and offering resources to parents to help support their children at home
"I found your presentation affirming of the experience of my own child and parent, accessible in the universality of experience you started from, and actionable in the 5-step process you introduced as well as the overall approach of curiosity you offered."
School Principal
“a true gift at telling stories about really challenging topics while depersonalizing them in a way that learning can happen quickly.”
Special Ed Administrator
"I cannot express how much I loved the professional learning, it was great for reframing my thinking."
School Principal